
  • Saida Loreto Villamar-Oviedo Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Facultad de Psicología. Manta – Ecuador.


Suicidal behavior, neurocognitive approach, neuropsychology


In the present study, a systematic analysis of the literature of the articles that present great relevance in relation to suicidal behavior from the neurocognitive approach is carried out. Within this section, the contributions of neuropsychology on suicide will be delimited and the functions and areas of the nervous system that are compromised, such as the prefrontal cortex and executive functions, will be studied. Within the bibliographic review, keywords were used such as: neuropsychology, suicide attempt, suicidal behavior and suicide, the selected articles were identified by reading the abstract and then reviewing the complete article. The present study gives way to investigate the neurocognitive approach, which is a relatively current model, provides information on the benefits of conducting a systematic review of the literature from psychology and obtains the theoretical support for the development of suicide intervention guides..

Keywords: Suicidal behavior, neurocognitive approach, neuropsychology.


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How to Cite

Villamar-Oviedo, S. L. (2021). SUICIDAL BEHAVIOR: A NEUROCOGNITIVE APPROACH. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Psicología NUNA YACHAY - ISSN: 2697-3588., 4(7), 2–7. Retrieved from