Analysis of the incidence of temperature during double sealing on the metal container 307 of the FR 400 Closer




Can Seamer Machine, double sealing, tooling, metal containers, temperature.


The food packaging industry is constantly facing the challenge of ensuring quality and safety of the products. One of the crucial aspects to ensure a good condition of the container and its content is the double closure process, which is the application of two hermetic sealers on the metal container. Temperature is a critical factor that can influence the success of the double-sealing process. Variations in temperature during this process can have negative consequences, such as low sealing quality, reduced packaged product life span, and, in extreme cases, food contamination and spoilage. This research focuses on the incidence of temperature during the double sealing process in metal container 307 using the FR 400 seaming machine. The results indicate that the adequate sealing of a product means the perfect condition and the right temperature of the room where the process is performed because it can directly affect the deformation of the material. Inaccurate sealing can negatively influence product freshness, flavor, texture, as well as consumer experience. Therefore, regulating and minimizing temperature changes during the sealing of metal containers is necessary, especially in the food sector, where product quality and safety are essential.


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Author Biographies

Freddy Leonardo Mendoza Arteaga, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Luis Arboleda Martínez

Estudiante del Instituto Superior Tecnológico Luis Arboleda Martínez, Carrera de Mecánica y Operación de Máquinas. Manta – Ecuador.

Mariuxi Irene Romero Tumbaco, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Luis Arboleda Martínez

Estudiante del Instituto Superior Tecnológico Luis Arboleda Martínez, Carrera de Mecánica y Operación de Máquinas. Manta – Ecuador

Johnny Antonio Abambari Vera, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Luis Arboleda Martínez

Docente del Instituto Superior Tecnológico Luis Arboleda Martínez, Carrera de Mecánica y Operación de Máquinas. Manta – Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Mendoza Arteaga, F. L., Romero Tumbaco, M. I., García Loor, G. M., & Abambari Vera, J. A. . (2024). ANALYSIS OF THE INCIDENCE OF TEMPERATURE DURING DOUBLE CLOSING IN THE METAL CONTAINER 307 OF THE FR 400 SEAMER: Analysis of the incidence of temperature during double sealing on the metal container 307 of the FR 400 Closer. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada Del Observatorio Territorial, Artes Y Arquitectura: FINIBUS - ISSN: 2737-6451., 7(14), 67–76.