Alliances, Commercial Strategies, Entrepreneurs, Positioning, AdvertisingAbstract
The lack of practice of commercial strategies and the limited training based on business topics has led many entrepreneurs to fail in the market positioning stage, which is why the following study objective was raised; to determine the impacts of commercial strategies on the positioning of artisanal products of entrepreneurs from the Montecristi Canton. A convenience sample of 71 entrepreneurs was taken, and the dimensions of brand drive, strategic alliances, sales promotions, TTL advertising and BTL advertising were evaluated. The general hypothesis was tested with a correlation coefficient of 0.742, confirming that commercial strategies do impact the positioning of artisanal products of entrepreneurs. The results showed that commercial strategies have a significant impact on the positioning of artisanal products. Specifically, it was found that brand drive, strategic alliances and sales promotions are positively correlated with market positioning. It is proposed to achieve customer loyalty by training entrepreneurs in business areas to improve their competitiveness and commercial success. Regarding the specific hypotheses, it was determined that the dimension of sales promotions is the most important based on the positioning of the products. However, the research identifies the lack of business knowledge, through observation, limitations were identified regarding information from entrepreneurs associated with the results obtained, which are of little training. The Montecristi canton is a tourist attraction for its diverse crafts, entrepreneurs have chosen to implement different strategies to position themselves in the local, national and international market, several of the entrepreneurs are exporters of hats to other countries, some have chosen to launch a new line of products such as earrings and purses based on toquilla straw as the main raw material, this promoting the impulse of the labor of rural artisans, those who make various types of crafts with their hands. In the analysis of the theoretical level, the few studies in the last 5 years on this subject are confirmed, which confirms the usefulness of this proposal.
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