Psychoeducational Strategies to Motivate Students for Learning Mathematics
learning; psychoeducational strategies; gamification; motivation.Abstract
This article aims to: establish the importance of psychoeducational strategies to motivate the learning of Mathematics in tenth-grade students of the Uruguay Fiscal Education Unit, in Portoviejo, Manabí. Using a mixed-methods approach, which employs analytical and inductive methods, as well as interview and survey techniques, data was collected from 3 Mathematics teachers and 91 students in the target grade level through probabilistic sampling. The results indicate that there is dissatisfaction among students regarding teaching materials, the design of games and activities, the use of game elements, interactive teaching techniques, and the use of technological resources in Mathematics classes. Additionally, a negative perception of the teacher's role was observed, as well as a lack of motivation and enthusiasm on the part of the students. The study concludes with the design of the "Mathematics in Action" strategy, based on gamification, which is introduced for the learning of Mathematics. By incorporating playful and competitive elements, students are immersed in an interactive and fun learning experience, which increases their participation, motivation, and understanding of Mathematics. Furthermore, it fosters teamwork, collaboration, and critical thinking, fundamental skills for the academic and personal development of the students.
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