Diseño de un reactor y fotobiorreactor para obtener biocombustible de microalgas
Microalgae, Biooil, Photobioreactor, High Pressure ReactorAbstract
Given the problems posed by global warming due to greenhouse gases and a very near future in which the world's main oil reserves are depleted, the use of renewable and more environmentally friendly energies becomes essential. With the different technological advances that we currently have, it is possible to explore new challenges in terms of the production of renewable energy, which is why the use of microalgae as biomass for the production of bio-oil has been considered, considering that microalgae develop with consumption. of carbon dioxide and certain components of wastewater, which would imply an improvement in the environmental conditions of our environment. During the development of the study, the microalgae were filtered to obtain a wet concentrate of microalgae, to be used as raw material. In the first test it was placed in a high pressure reactor, subjected to a temperature of 300 degrees at 100 bar, obtaining bio carbon, combustion gas and some organic compounds dissolved in water. In the second test, it was subjected to a pressure of 200 bar at 350 degrees Celsius and fuel gas, organic compounds dissolved in water and oil were obtained. It is evident that the increase in pressure has an impact on the quality of the products. As pressure increases, cellulose depolymerizes and water turns into cartridges, giving up its hydrogen molecule, which then polymerizes into alkene compounds to form bio-oil. When water enters a supercritical condition that corresponds to 221 bar and 374 degrees Celsius, it reaches its maximum solvency limit and the greatest amount of transformation of organic matter into bio-oil.
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