Functional evaluation for the use of orthesic devices in the upper member
Investigation article
Functional evaluation, orthotic devices, upper limbAbstract
The following research provides information on the importance of functional evaluations for occupational rehabilitation through the use of orthotic adaptations of the upper limb, the use of orthotic adaptations in deforming affections in people with disabilities is used as a tool to prevent, supply, support movements, functional limitations or improve resistance, coordination and skills with a greater focus on upper limbs, establishing that the use of orthoses avoids vicious postures and allows the user independence so that he can carry out all his daily activities despite his disability. The functional evaluation compiles the information obtained through the use of these to know the different skills present and lost or decreased in users. This research project was carried out in the "Ana Luz Solís" Specialized Education Unit, in the city of Jipijapa. This experimental and qualitative research was carried out with the aim of investigating the importance of functional evaluation prior to the use of orthotic devices in the upper limb, the population being the students of the school, with a sample of 25 children. The methods used in this project were: the Katz index, the modified Ashworth scale and the survey for data collection. As a result, greater knowledge was obtained to apply the functional evaluation, thus improving the diagnoses in each child and later the application of orthotic adaptations.
Keywords: Functional evaluation, orthotic devices, upper limb.
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