Use of psychotropic substances in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus

Investigation article


  • María Dolores Robles-Urgilez Universidad de Guayaquil. Guayaquil – Ecuador.
  • Joffre Luis Carrillo-Pincay Universidad de Guayaquil. Guayaquil – Ecuador.
  • Nadia Dayan Vásquez-Vera Hospital Básico Dr. Juan Montalván Cornejo. Urdaneta – Ecuador.
  • María Annabell Cedeño-Ugalde Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí. Manta – Ecuador.


Psychotropic substances, AIDS, tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs


The use of psychotropic substances is a multifactorial problem; alcohol, tobacco and marijuana are the substances most consumed in Ecuador in the general population and among people living with HIV-AIDS. The use of these substances is associated with poor adherence to antiretrovirals and increases the risk of many conditions. Therefore, the consumption of psychoactive substances in people living with HIV-AIDS was evaluated through a descriptive, observational and cross-sectional study. All patients with a diagnosis of HIV-AIDS who consume PSU admitted to the Dr. Daniel Rodríguez Maridueña infectology hospital in Guayaquil between January and December 2013 are included; The sample being 198 cases, using medical records, collecting multiple variables as sociodemographic factors, and laboratory, where the cohort was predominantly male (63%), mixed race (86.5%), between 30 and 44 years old (53%), heterosexual (82%) of the province of Guayas (93%), the most frequent consumption was alcohol 43%, followed by tobacco 16.67%, illegal drugs 8%; the mean CD4 was 235 cells/mm3; Furthermore, there is a statistical association between alcohol consumption and CD4 + <200 cells/mm3 with a significant p of 0.002 and an Odd Ratio of 2.441 95% CI 1.373-4.338. It is recommended that a systematic examination for PSUs and other addictions should be part of routine clinical care.
Keywords: Psychotropic substances; AIDS; tobacco; alcohol; illegal drugs.


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How to Cite

Robles-Urgilez, M. D., Carrillo-Pincay, J. L., Vásquez-Vera, N. D., & Cedeño-Ugalde, M. A. (2021). Use of psychotropic substances in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus: Investigation article. Revista Científica Multidisciplinaria SAPIENTIAE. ISSN: 2600-6030., 4(7), 142–156. Retrieved from