Analysis of the means of transportation for the tourist development of the San Vicente canton - Manabí

Investigation article


  • Lilia Moncerrate Villacís-Zambrano Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí Extensión Bahía. Bahía de Caráquez – Ecuador.
  • Frank Ángel Lemoine-Quintero Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí Extensión Bahía. Bahía de Caráquez – Ecuador.


Services, means of transportation, preferences, tourism


The purpose of this research work was to analyze the different means of transportation and their impact on the tourist development of San Vicente. For this reason, an analysis was made based on the culture of art, which allowed the variables of the object of study to be developed. In order to know to whom the different transportation services used are directed at, evaluating their effectiveness and detecting whether it contributes to the tourist development of the town, an analysis of the current situation on the quality, preferences, knowledge and frequency of use of motorcycle taxis, taxi cooperatives, executive taxis and “Tosagua” transport cooperative was carried out in order to evaluate the services they provide in the locality. A questionnaire was administered on people that use the services and the drivers of each of the mentioned means of transportation thereby concluding that these means provide good services, their busiest days are weekends and holidays and above all, the target audience are local people. Taking into account the improvements in the quality of the service provided, in order to increase local and external customers such as people from other towns, provinces and, possibly from other countries.
Keywords: Services, means of transportation, preferences, tourism


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How to Cite

Villacís-Zambrano, L. M., & Lemoine-Quintero, F. Ángel. (2021). Analysis of the means of transportation for the tourist development of the San Vicente canton - Manabí: Investigation article. Revista Científica Multidisciplinaria SAPIENTIAE. ISSN: 2600-6030., 4(7), 16–26. Retrieved from