Audiovisual communication as a tool for tourism promotion: case Bahía de Caráquez, Ecuador 2020

Investigation article


  • Angélica María Laz-Zambrano Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí Extensión Bahía. Bahía de Caráquez – Ecuador.
  • Pamela Alejandra Lucas Quiñonez Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí Extensión Bahía. Bahía de Caráquez – Ecuador.


Audiovisual communication, tourism promotion, Web 2.0


Tourism generated an economic contribution equivalent to 2,392 million dollars in Ecuador, remaining the third most significant non-oil activity in economic terms, followed by bananas and shrimp, according to estimates made by the country's Central Bank. Web 2.0, with regard to audiovisual communication, has allowed the tourism sector to increase its promotion strategies: micro-stories, testimonials, promotional, explanatory, trivia, tutorials, musicals, geo-references; are some of the audiovisual products that allow the user or tourist to get closer to the destination, product or service. A study by Google and Ipsos MediaCT, determined that 6 out of 100 tourists watch promotional videos before traveling. This has contributed to an increase in the use of travel-related videos at a rate higher than 118%, with the most popular spots referring to tourist destinations, flight deals and hotels. The objective of this research is to show some tools to promote the Bahía de Caráquez Ecuador destination. The methodology used was qualitative based on in-depth interviews with experts in this sector and quantitative by the application of a survey aimed at tourists.
Keywords: Audiovisual communication, tourism promotion, Web 2.0.


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How to Cite

Laz-Zambrano, A. M., & Lucas Quiñonez, P. A. (2021). Audiovisual communication as a tool for tourism promotion: case Bahía de Caráquez, Ecuador 2020: Investigation article. Revista Científica Multidisciplinaria SAPIENTIAE. ISSN: 2600-6030., 4(7), 2–15. Retrieved from