Evaluation of the El Corazón Wastewater Treatment Plant – Pangua Canton, Ecuador.
Evaluation of the El Corazón Wastewater Treatment Plant – Pangua Canton, Ecuador.
WWTP, Regulation, BOD, COD, INHOFF, Evaluation, FAFA.Abstract
In this experimental work the evaluation of a WWTP was carried out with the aim of determining whether the treated water discharged into the river complies with the regulations, for this purpose information was collected from the entire sector where the WWTP is currently located; data was collected on the influent and effluent flows, wastewater sampling was carried out at the entry and exit points to the WWTP for the analysis of the physical-chemical characteristics that were processed in a laboratory. Subsequently, a comparison was made with the water discharge parameters established by the TULSMA 2015, where it was verified that the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) do not comply with current regulations, so it was decided to seek a proposal to improve the parameters. With the results obtained, we proceeded to carry out an analysis according to the actual degree of removal to recalculate its geometric properties in order to give a definitive diagnosis of the current state of the WWTP and it was found that they allow to improve the BOD and COD of the treated water before its final discharge, which includes: screening, sand trap, INHOFF tank, trickling filter, fafa, sludge drying bed and a disinfection plant. In addition, an operation and maintenance plan were implemented to efficiently fulfil the purpose for which the WWTP was designed.
Subsequently, a comparison was made with the water discharge parameters established by the TULSMA 2015, where it was verified that the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) do not comply with current regulations, so it was decided to seek a proposal to improve the aforementioned parameters.
With the results obtained, we proceeded to carry out an analysis according to the actual degree of removal to recalculate its geometric properties in order to give a definitive diagnosis of the current state of the WWTP and it was found that they allow to improve the BOD and COD of the treated water before its final discharge, which includes: screening, sand trap, INHOFF tank, trickling filter, fafa, sludge drying bed and a disinfection plant. In addition, an operation and maintenance plan was implemented to efficiently fulfil the purpose for which the WWTP was designed.
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