Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí's contribution to the improvement of the value-added processes of the Natupal microenterprise.

Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí's contribution to the improvement of the value-added processes of the Natupal microenterprise.





value-added processes, microenterprise, internship


This research aimed to determine the level of contribution of the Industrial Engineering students from ULEAM in improving the value-added processes in the microenterprise Natupal, due to the lack of historical data on pre-professional contributions in this type of microenterprise. A descriptive study was conducted using inductive, deductive, statistical, and analytical-synthetic methods, considering a population of 227 Industrial Engineering students who undertook their internships in the periods 2017-1, 2017-2, 2018-1, 2018-2, and 2019-1. An intentional sampling was applied with a 95% confidence level and a 5% error margin, resulting in a sample of 143 students. A structured survey of six Likert-scale questions was administered, determining that the students' contribution level is significant for the microenterprise Natupal, with 33% rating it as "Very good," 62% as "Good," and 5% as indifferent. Furthermore, it was found that the students' contribution to the value-added processes was very important during these periods, and their maturity and professional experience allowed them to efficiently improve production processes, leaving a valuable contribution as future professionals.


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How to Cite

Vera-Barreiro, J. ., Murillo-Celorio, E., Hidrovo-Alcívar, P., & Bermeo-Reyes, J. (2024). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí’s contribution to the improvement of the value-added processes of the Natupal microenterprise. : Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí’s contribution to the improvement of the value-added processes of the Natupal microenterprise . Revista Científica Y Arbitrada Del Observatorio Territorial, Artes Y Arquitectura: FINIBUS - ISSN: 2737-6451., 7(14), 173–178. https://doi.org/10.56124/finibus.v7i14.017