Incidence of safe habitat construction regulations in territorial planning. Montecristi urban area.

Incidence of safe habitat construction regulations in territorial planning. Montecristi urban area.




Montecristi Cantonal GAD, Safe habitat, Territorial Planning, Incidence


The Decentralized Autonomous Governments have the function of overseeing the territorial planning of the canton, one of their tasks includes the supervision of constructions and the promotion of safe, sustainable urban development and in harmony with the needs and desires of the local community. However, the behavior of citizens is of vital importance for compliance with the regulations for the construction of a safe habitant in territorial planning. This paper analyzes the incidence of safe habitat construction regulations in territorial planning. For this, the population that owns buildings located in the urban area of the Montecristi canton is used, and descriptive-experimental research is applied, with a documentary approach, of secondary origin, although data from existing laws, regulations and regulations were also handled and carried out interview with various building owners and representatives of the cantonal GAD. It was obtained as a result that citizens are unaware of the safe habitat regulations, and do not comply with the process of requesting the corresponding permits to start their construction process, which is not observed by the municipality, precisely due to the lack of economic and material resources. To carry out inspections in the urban area of the canton.


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How to Cite

Veintimilla-Morales, J., & Reyna-García, A. (2024). Incidence of safe habitat construction regulations in territorial planning. Montecristi urban area.: Incidence of safe habitat construction regulations in territorial planning. Montecristi urban area. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada Del Observatorio Territorial, Artes Y Arquitectura: FINIBUS - ISSN: 2737-6451., 7(14), 33–39.