High concentration of equipment in the urban center of the city of Manta and proposal of new sub-centrality

Investigation article


  • Karen Sofía Macías-Macías Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí. Manta – Ecuador.
  • María Fernanda Vera-Cañarte Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí. Manta – Ecuador.


expansion, conurbation, sub-centrality, intermediate city, equipment


Currently, the city of Manta is the largest and most populous city of Manabí. Urban development has been characteristic of a horizontal expansion and scattered evidence that being part of the conurbation with Montecristi and Jaramijó cantons. According to the results of the Population and Housing Census (INEC, 2010), Manta ranks among the cities with a population between 330,000 and 206,000 inhabitants. Given the concentration of services in the central city, which primarily benefits people living in areas within a plan of land in a new surrounding subcentralidad that favor get people of this community both proposed a distance, transport type and the time necessary to provide a best pair of zones provided equipment. The objective of the formation of intermediate cities framed in the constant dynamism of economic, social, and spatial situations, it meets the need to create systems that decentralized mass activities on a single core to make way for a joint so that create points referential connection.

Keywords: expansion, conurbation, sub-centrality, intermediate city, equipment.


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How to Cite

Macías-Macías, K. S., & Vera-Cañarte, M. F. (2019). High concentration of equipment in the urban center of the city of Manta and proposal of new sub-centrality: Investigation article. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada Del Observatorio Territorial, Artes Y Arquitectura: FINIBUS - ISSN: 2737-6451., 2(3), 12–22. Retrieved from https://publicacionescd.uleam.edu.ec/index.php/finibus/article/view/129