Structural analysis of the seismic demolition of the building of the University Hospital of the Technical University of Ambato, through vibration medicine.
vulnerability, nonlinear, seismic threat, structural reinforcement, seismic performanceAbstract
Two methods were used in this document, qualitative and quantitative, for the first, Rapid Visual Screening (RVS) is performed according to FEMA 154, supported by the NEC 2015, where it was determined that the structure has a high degree of vulnerability to earthquakes due to a pathological problem of short column generating a very severe irregularity in elevation. On the other hand, for the quantitative method, the non-linear static analysis is performed by means of the Etabs software. With the information obtained on site, two models were carried out, the spectral modal analysis of which the linear behavior of the structure, vibration periods, basal shear and floor drifts were analyzed, as well as the non-linear static analysis the structure capacity curve for X and Y, the performance point of said structure was also determined. The analysis determined the most appropriate method for the local reinforcement of some beams and columns of the structure, being the metal encasing with angles and plates the most practical and economical, a method that considerably increases the capacity of the structural elements to withstand the forces applied on them. In this way, it was possible to give the necessary capacity to all the components of the structure without altering the excellent global behavior of the building, thus meeting the performance expected for the building.
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