The Stone and its presence in the historical patrimony of Cojitambo – Cañar
Inca architecture, Cojitambo, cultural heritage, stone, pathology, construction techniquesAbstract
This study addresses the use of stone as a material present in heritage buildings of civil and religious typology located in the province of Cañar related to Inca architecture, with particular interest in the analysis of the religious building known as “Iglesia de San Alfonso de Cojitambo” (Church of San Alfonso de Cojitambo). The main anomalies that generally affect constructions built with this lithic material are identified, as well as the factors that could cause possible natural and anthropic risks. In addition, a pathology survey of the building in question is recorded as a case study, which aims to provide data that will contribute to the generation of proposals aimed at the conservation, restoration and protection of tangible elements that make up this heritage asset.
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