
  • Rodrigo Alexander Aucapiña Guamán Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tecnoecuatoriano
  • Christian Patricio Cabascango Camuendo Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tecnoecuatoriano
  • Edgar Edurman García Silvera Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tecnoecuatoriano



digital record, agile methodologies, ICT, industry


The processes of digitizing documents and files generate an optimization in the use of their data, additionally, the reduction of time is essential for MSMEs, these technologies are supporting and optimizing the processes, however, to prevent the technology from generating a technological gap or that users must adapt to the environment, the study presents a process in which the opinions of users and developers are put into interaction for the development of a digital environment, based on the social construction of technology. in surveys and agile methodologies are used in the platform execution process. The environment becomes user-friendly, since the requests made are reflected in the platform, with data entry elements through import and manual entry of inputs and tools, in addition, the development process generates less downtime , since, by having the opinion of the users, who defined that the functionality of the platform must be focused on the administration, user and implements and areas, the communication flow of the platform does not generate false sentences or duplication of activities



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How to Cite

Aucapiña Guamán, R. A., Cabascango Camuendo, C. P. ., & García Silvera, E. E. . (2024). DIGITAL REGISTRATION SYSTEM FOR INFORMATION ON WORKSHOPS AND INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSES. Revista Científica Multidisciplinaria SAPIENTIAE. ISSN: 2600-6030., 7(15), 22–35.