Reforzando la educación con inteligencia artificial: Implementación de un chatbot como compañero educativo en el instituto Amazónico


  • Diego Vicente Guamán Jima Instituto Superior Tecnológico Amazónico
  • Alex Enrique Yunga Benítez Instituto Superior Tecnológico Amazónico
  • Wagner Roberto Morocho Instituto Superior Tecnológico Amazónico



Inteligencia Artificial, Lenguaje de Procesamiento Natural, Andragogía Tecnológica.


The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the educational field has become a vanguard for pedagogical and andragogical innovation, offering tools that personalize and enrich the learning experience. This project focuses on the development and implementation of a chatbot based on Natural Language Processing (NLP) at the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Amazónico of the Yantzaza canton, province of Zamora Chinchipe, designed to act as an educational companion for students and teachers. The goal is to provide instant access to relevant personalized information about the career to which students and teachers belong, details about curricula, study guides, institutional events, and more, all through a conversational and intuitive interface. In addition to facilitating the obtaining of academic and logistical information, the chatbot is designed to support the teaching and learning process in innovative ways. This includes personalized academic guidance, where the chatbot can suggest learning resources based on a student's specific difficulties or interests. It also incorporates functionalities for language practice and explanations of complex concepts, thus promoting greater organization and efficiency in studying. This approach not only seeks to improve access to educational information and resources, but also to foster a more connected and supported learning community, where students feel guided throughout their educational journey. The implementation of this chatbot represents a cutting-edge technological improvement, where technology and andragogy intertwine to create more enriching learning experiences.


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How to Cite

Guamán Jima, D. V., Yunga Benítez, A. E., & Morocho, W. R. (2024). Reforzando la educación con inteligencia artificial: Implementación de un chatbot como compañero educativo en el instituto Amazónico. Revista Científica Multidisciplinaria SAPIENTIAE. ISSN: 2600-6030., 7(15), 99–111.