Towards sustainable management in a rural territory: Multidimensional approach in Ecuadorian coast.
Social surveys, environmental management, land resources, sustainable development, development strategiesAbstract
This work proposes to evaluate economic, ecological, and social parameters of a territorial unit that allows for sustainable development strategies. The case study is a territory on the central coast of Ecuador, which includes a reserve zone belonging to the National System of Protected Areas and surrounding populations. We established indicators for each dimension and collected data through semi-structured surey and field measurements. We then performed a normalisation process and scored the results using the Biogram scale. A separate value was determined for each dimension. The results show that the ecological dimension (0.74) is considered stable. The economic dimension has 0.45 considered as unstable. While the social dimension, with (0.63) shows stable category. The integral valuation of sustainability in the area resulted in 0.61, considered a stable situation. This multidimensional approach provides valuable information to guide future investment actions and government planning.
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