Disruptive behaviors in the Early Childhood Education classroom: perceptions and teaching practices analyzed from Positive Discipline


  • Marcia State university of miracle
  • Miryam State university of miracle
  • Norma State university of miracle
  • Bertha State university of miracle
  • Jenny State university of miracle




Disruptive behaviors, Problematic behaviors, Initial education, Early childhood, Positive discipline


Disruptive behaviors in the Early Childhood Education classroom: perceptions and teaching practices analyzed from Positive Discipline





Disruptive behaviors can be understood as those that occur in some children frequently and with great intensity, without an adaptive purpose and that usually cause discomfort in the classroom and can even, in certain cases, cause harm. These behaviors represent an important challenge for teaching in Early childhood education. Therefore, our objective was to Analyze the disruptive behaviors that occur in children aged 4 to 5 years old, from an approach based on Positive Discipline. This model of parenting and support, widely disseminated in recent years, has allowed us to move from traditional views and practices to other affective and respectful ones that could be defined thanks to the analysis of teaching narratives. In this process, 5 early education teachers from two educational centers in the province of Azuay participated, with whom we conducted in-depth interviews; classroom observations aimed at 13 previously identified cases of disruptive behaviors; and discussion groups with emphasis on case analysis. The findings revealed, on one hand, the relationships between parenting styles and the emergence of disruptive behaviors in early childhood, as well as the impact of these on the socio-affective development of boys and girls and, on the other hand, the perceptions and teaching practices in addressing these behaviors that can be grouped into behavioral, cognitive-constructivist and social approaches.




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Author Biographies

Marcia, State university of miracle

Marcia Alexandra Astudillo Pesántez. Master in Educational Sciences. University of Azuay. Atty. in Educational Sciences Specialty Special Education. University of Azuay. Teacher at the Macas-Morona Santiago Special Education Institute. Classroom Teacher at the Private Institution “Rosa Jerves de Córdova”. Classroom Teacher “Los Fresnos” Bilingual Educational Center Cuenca. Founder of the “San Mateo” Early Education Center and Sub-initial Classroom Teacher 2. Acting Director, Owner and Legal Representative of the “San Mateo” Early Education Center. Graduated from the Master's Degree in Early Childhood Education with a mention in Educational Innovation from the UNEMI State University.


Miryam, State university of miracle

Miryam Noemi Sumba Zhumi. Graduate in Basic General Education from the University of Cuenca. Assistant in Early Childhood Education, course approved in the continuing education program certified by the University of the Hemispheres. Graduated from the Master's Degree in Early Childhood Education with a mention in Innovation in Child Development. Teacher at the “San Mateo” Private Initial Education Center since 2021 in office to date. CEI San Mateo Pedagogical Coordinator since 2021. msumbaz@unemi.edu.ec Azuay – Cuenca - Ecuador

Norma , State university of miracle

Norma Narcisa Balarezo Lojano. Graduate in Basic Education, currently a teacher under fiscal appointment of the Ecuadorian Teachers since 2017. Technological Training in Basic Education - “Ricardo Márquez Tapia” Higher Pedagogical Institute. Graduate in Basic Education - University of Cuenca. Graduated from the master's degree in Initial Education with a mention in Educational Innovation from the State University of Milagro UNEMI. Work experience: Initial Education Teacher at the “Pablo Hilario Chica” School. Teacher at the “San Pablo de Guarainag” Educational Unit. Teacher at the “Las Palmas” Educational Unit in positions to date. nbalarezol@unemi.edu.ec The Bread – Azuay – Ecuador

Bertha, State university of miracle

Bertha Leonor Flores Campoverde, Graduate in Educational Psychology, specialization in Child Psychology. Volunteer INFA-MIES Nabón y Susudel 1993. Teacher and psychologist at the CEI “Crezando Libres” 1999. Educational Psychologist DOBE Educational Unit, Abdón Calderón 2002.   Educational Psychologist, in collaboration with NGO Rikcharina 2006 areas of Sígsig, San Juan and San Bartolomé. Teacher under fiscal appointment First year of basic Ecuadorian Teaching Susudel 2007. Transfer on merit and opposition MINEDUC 2012 Initial Education Cuenca in office to date. Graduated from the Master's Degree in Early Childhood Education with a mention in Educational Innovation from the UNEMI State University. bfloresc3@unemi.edu.ec

Jenny, State university of miracle

Jenny Patricia Guallpa Buestán. Graduate in Basic General Education, degree awarded by the State University of Cuenca. Early education teacher, CEI Luna de Cristal, Cuenca, 2013. Teacher under provisional fiscal appointment of the Ecuadorian Teaching District 03D01 Azogues, second to seventh grade, 2016. Teacher under definitive fiscal appointment of the Ecuadorian Teaching District 03D01 Azogues, second to seventh grade basic, 2017. Educational and Teacher Leader under definitive fiscal appointment of the Ecuadorian Teaching District 03D01 Azogues, 2018 to date. Graduated from the Master's Degree in Early Childhood Education with a mention in Educational Innovation from the UNEMI State University. jguallpab@unemi.edu.ec Azogues-Cañar-Ecuador


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How to Cite

Astudillo Pesantez, M. A., Sumba Zhumi, M. N., Balarezo Lojano, N. N., Flores Campoverde, B. L. ., & Guallpa Buestán, J. P. . (2024). Disruptive behaviors in the Early Childhood Education classroom: perceptions and teaching practices analyzed from Positive Discipline. Revista Científica Multidisciplinaria SAPIENTIAE. ISSN: 2600-6030., 7(14), 160–174. https://doi.org/10.56124/sapientiae.v7i14.0011