Artificial Intelligence from a conception of Active Methodologies of Teaching-Learning in Higher Education.


  • Eddybelleth Yemala Castillo Brito Instituto Superior Tecnológico CGE. ISTCGE.
  • Ramón Edecio Pineda Varela Instituto Superior Tecnológico CGE, ISTCGE.
  • Adriana Gabriela Sequera Morales Instituto Superior Tecnológico CGE, ISTCGE
  • Jonathan Marcelo Chalco Simancas Instituto Superior Tecnológico CGE, ISTCGE



Artificial Intelligence, Higher Education, Active Learning, Globalization


Societies are undergoing a set of changes in all political, social and economic spheres that demand new strategic actions to achieve evolution and sustainable development. Therefore, higher education is a field greatly influenced by these global dynamics, which guide the transformation of the substantive functions of Higher Education Institutions. The objective of the research is "To configure a theoretical structure of the elements of artificial intelligence from an active, collaborative and interactive conception of teaching and learning in Higher Education". The study is of a documentary type with a descriptive approach. An approach was made to the input theories that make up the indispensable elements of the artificial intelligence variables and the active teaching-learning methodologies. The data collection technique was documentary analysis, the instrument was the content map under the Bagozzi Model and the information was processed through content analysis. The results showed that technological advances and globalization demand that Higher Education must adapt to these changes and reorient its teaching function to improve educational quality. Likewise, a series of theoretical concepts were generated where their relationships exposed the potentialities that Artificial Intelligence has in the Active Methodologies of teaching and learning, since personnel and students are able to learn from them.


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Author Biographies

Eddybelleth Yemala Castillo Brito, Instituto Superior Tecnológico CGE. ISTCGE.

Docente del Instituto Superior Tecnológico CGE. Ecuador.

Ramón Edecio Pineda Varela, Instituto Superior Tecnológico CGE, ISTCGE.

Docente del Instituto Superior Tecnológico CGE, Ecuador.

Adriana Gabriela Sequera Morales, Instituto Superior Tecnológico CGE, ISTCGE

Docente del Instituto Superior Tecnológico CGE, ISTCGE. Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Castillo Brito, E. Y., Pineda Varela, R. E. ., Sequera Morales, A. G. ., & Chalco Simancas, J. M. . (2024). Artificial Intelligence from a conception of Active Methodologies of Teaching-Learning in Higher Education. Revista Científica Multidisciplinaria SAPIENTIAE. ISSN: 2600-6030., 7(14), 140–159.