Performance of a motor supplied with biogas produced from excrets of cattle

Investigation article


  • Luis Esteban Mendoza-Mendoza Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí Manuel Félix López. Calceta – Ecuador.
  • Daniel Alejandro Zambrano-Vera Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí Manuel Félix López. Calceta – Ecuador.
  • Joffre Alberto Andrade-Candell Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí Manuel Félix López. Calceta – Ecuador.


Biodigester, gasifier, sound level meter, pressure gauge


This research presents the performance evaluation of an internal combustion engine fueled with biogas, produced from excreta of cattle compared to conventional fuel (gasoline). We used the experimental level quantitative method with a bifactorial design with three replicates. The experimental unit consisted of the operation of the engine to power 20 bulbs of 110 watt with luminaires on or off until the fuel was exhausted (biogas= 0.2943 m3, gasoline= 0.00051 m3). The engine performance was evaluated from three indicators: ignition time (seconds), engine temperature (°C) and noise (dBA). Significant differences were determined using the Tukey test; the normally distributed data were analyzed by ANOVA where significant differences were established with the Duncan test. The biogas used was generated with a mixture of 0.0885 m3 of water + 0.0708 m3 of bovine excreta + 0.0177 m3 of higuerilla. The engine presented the lowest noise values ​​with the use of biogas and the lights on (64.93 dBA), the longest ignition and engine temperature was presented by gasoline with 892.5 seconds and 158.43 °C respectively; The lowest time of ignition (36.17 seconds) and temperature (84.15 °C) was presented by the biogas. The performance of the engine represents that for the 892.5 seconds of ignition time with gasoline was spent 0.20 cents/m3 and in turn with biogas for the 29 seconds that kept the engine on it spent $ 200/m3.

Keywords:  Biodigester, gasifier, sound level meter, pressure gauge.


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How to Cite

Mendoza-Mendoza, L. E., Zambrano-Vera, D. A., & Andrade-Candell, J. A. (2020). Performance of a motor supplied with biogas produced from excrets of cattle: Investigation article. Revista Científica Multidisciplinaria SAPIENTIAE. ISSN: 2600-6030., 3(6), 37–51. Retrieved from