The general accounting

Review article


  • Carlos Andrés Mendoza-Rodríguez Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí. Manta – Ecuador.


general accounting, business, expenses, administration


The subject of general accounting covers almost all the accounting media in the world, and they are a main focus in companies to generate productivity, any person or company is a generator of negotiable media, from buying a product to selling a product; To become large companies, they have gone through a large number of processes, and it is important to know that daily accounting in a business or in our daily lives must have good administration, control of expenses and daily income, thus generating strategies that work for your pocket. Worldwide it is a safe means of raising business and shaping expenses, the correct administration of assets, results in safe productivity and visible advances. Within the general accounting we find all the aspects of handling financial and accounting elements, where the individual is the absolute free of the environment, with this we will provide information of great support to people who want to know more about this subject that is a daily life in the society.

Keywords: general accounting, business, expenses, administration.


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How to Cite

Mendoza-Rodríguez, C. A. (2019). The general accounting: Review article. Revista Científica Multidisciplinaria SAPIENTIAE. ISSN: 2600-6030., 2(4), 38–43. Retrieved from