Learning teaching strategies and their influence on the care of children with special education needs
Investigation article
Strategies, teaching, learning, special educational needs, curricular executionAbstract
The study on teaching-learning strategies, and their influence on the care of children with special needs, was produced by the need to know and determine the level of management and the influence of the different skills that teachers have in the attention of the aforementioned students, in the Educational Unit “Réplica Manta. For this reason, a quantitative study was applied, with a correlational descriptive design, cross-sectional and with a sample population that was made up of the 8 teachers of the Educational Unit “Réplica Manta”. As instruments there was an observation card to evaluate the management of strategies; and a questionnaire, applied to teachers to know the state of the special needs of the students. With the analyzed results, it was concluded that the teaching-learning strategies significantly influence the attention to children with Special Educational Needs in the Manta-2017 Replica Educational Unit, since when applying the Pearson correlation coefficient, 0.353 is obtained, which indicates a relationship low and direct; the bilateral significance is less than 0.05, so the relationship is assumed to be significant.
Keywords: Strategies, teaching, learning, special educational needs, curricular execution.
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