Effects of COVID-19 on higher education and subsequent application of virtual learning environment
Investigation article
Virtual learning, digital culture, social values, higher education, online teachingAbstract
The shift from education to a digital culture to face the pandemic scenario with which humanity has had to deal is a matter of discussion in the academic communities and generates confusion in the new roles and functions among the different actors in the sector. Decision making, regulations and actions represent challenges at every step and have motivated criticism. The present investigation tries to determine if the educational system of Ecuador and in turn of the city of Guayaquil, offers adequate virtual learning spaces both in its infrastructure and in its organization and execution. To reach this goal, a bibliographic deductive analysis was carried out in the collection of data related to the health crisis and its incidence in education, semi-structured interviews with two experts in higher education and in the collection of quantitative data with an empirical-analytical approach, surveys were conducted teachers and students of higher education in the city. The results allowed the authors to conclude that both preparation and prevention have been insufficient in the face of possible and probable crisis scenarios in the academy, which has limited their response capacity and resilience, so permanent observation of the situation is recommended. evolution of the events caused by the crisis to achieve the design of strategies that aim to improve the tangible and intangible institutional structure of the universities.
Keywords: Virtual learning; digital culture; social values; higher education; online teaching.
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