Analysis, by simulation, of the electrical and mechanical behavior of a three-phase synchronous generator under load




synchronous generator, electrical simulation, power factor, balanced loads, reactive power


This study analyzes the electrical and mechanical behavior of a 20 KVA, 460V, 1800 RPM three-phase synchronous generator under different load conditions by means of Simulink simulation. Three main scenarios were evaluated: resistive, inductive and capacitive balanced loads. The results show that, with purely resistive loads, the system maintains unity power factor, reaching a total active power of 20.2 kW distributed equally among the three phases with currents of approximately 25A per phase. With inductive and capacitive loads, characteristic lags of 1.942 milliseconds were observed between voltage and current, with positive and negative reactive powers, respectively. By varying the rotor speed from 1800 to 1500 RPM, a reduction in frequency from 60 to 50 Hz was observed, with a noticeable decrease in active power and changes in the reactive power ratio. The results provide valuable information for the operation and control of synchronous generators in industrial electrical systems.


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How to Cite

Muñoz-Sánchez, J. J., Ramos-León, G., Núñez-Pilligua, W., Cuenca-Álava, L., & Palacios-Castro, E. (2025). Analysis, by simulation, of the electrical and mechanical behavior of a three-phase synchronous generator under load. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada Del Observatorio Territorial, Artes Y Arquitectura: FINIBUS - ISSN: 2737-6451., 8(15), 112–120.