Deterministic seismic study for structures in the “Ciudadela Oriente” sector of Ambato city.




structure, peak ground acceleration, seismicity, responde spectrum


The necessary methods to design an structure of a building with many stories, include in their parameters the calculus of seismic response spectrum, because this effects over the buildings depends of the variability of the peak ground acceleration (PGA), the height and some other variables inside it, for that, it’s possible to use a calculus method applied by the norm standards, o by deterministic methods which ones allows to calculate the response spectrum begging on an standard penetration test (SPT) and other mechanical soil studies; this can be replicated above several points around the stablished zone. From there, when the type and the height of the planning analyzed structures change, it can be considered the structural results as the calculated deterministic methods as   the results obtained by the norm standards, once compared, can be identified the viability to applicate one or other method in the idealized structures.



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How to Cite

Mise-Flores, W., Pico-Núñez , F., Almeida-Mayorga, A., & Navarro-Peñaherrera, C. (2025). Deterministic seismic study for structures in the “Ciudadela Oriente” sector of Ambato city. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada Del Observatorio Territorial, Artes Y Arquitectura: FINIBUS - ISSN: 2737-6451., 8(15), 40–48.