Description of the causes that affect the acoustic conditions in classrooms of the Faculty of Architecture of THE ULEAM

Investigation article


  • Yandry Alexander García-Saltos Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Facultad de Arquitectura. Manta – Ecuador.
  • Jean Pierre Sengés-Medranda Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Facultad de Arquitectura. Manta – Ecuador.


reverberation times, analysis, materiality, geometry, classrooms


The classrooms of the Faculty of Architecture of the Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí (ULEAM) were the object of study in this research, where the acoustic conditions in which they are currently found were analyzed; In general, classrooms have a poor acoustic environment that generates fatigue and tiredness in those involved in the teaching-learning process, these conditions in which it is found are generated by the wrong choice of materials as finishes within the classrooms in addition to factors such as geometry of it. Through direct observation and experimentation, it was possible to determine the reverberation times that occurred in each of the classrooms studied, in addition to questioning those involved through interviews to know the perception that is had first hand. The experimentation showed that the regular geometry found in classrooms is not the most suitable since sound waves tend to bounce off the walls of hard surfaces, intervening in communication, that is, it increases reverberation times, this also occurs by the surface of the materials that the interior has, thus reducing the acoustic quality of the classrooms. References that investigated improvement methods for the spaces were analyzed, treating the finished materials and others, analyzing the optimal way to transmit the message of the issuer.

Keywords: reverberation times, analysis, materiality, geometry, classrooms.


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How to Cite

García-Saltos, Y. A., & Sengés-Medranda, J. P. (2020). Description of the causes that affect the acoustic conditions in classrooms of the Faculty of Architecture of THE ULEAM: Investigation article. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada Del Observatorio Territorial, Artes Y Arquitectura: FINIBUS - ISSN: 2737-6451., 3(6), 13–25. Retrieved from