Revista Científica y Arbitrada de Ciencias Sociales y Trabajo Social ‘‘Tejedora’’: Vol. 4 (Núm. 7) (ene-jun 2021). ISSN: 2697-3626
The body language of the Social Worker and its influence on the quality of care
Finally, the social worker should use gestures
and expressions in non-verbal
and Portoviejo Hospitals, who gave the
opening to apply the surveys and provide
valuable information that serves to generate
quality processes of user care, in addition to
each of the people who collaborated in this
communication in the following manner: the
face should express cordiality through a
smile; maintain eye contact with the user,
while attending to their concerns, showing
interest in the conversation; listening
carefully to the user requires an effort of
cognitive and empathic abilities, active
listening is essential in attending to the user;
correctly dismiss the user with a “See you
later, thank you very much” accompanied by
a cordial attitude. The impact that generates
to the health sector the quality of service
and satisfaction of the user, is fundamental
in every institution, mainly when we speak
about health, therefore, it is possible to
conclude saying that the users feel satisfied
with the attention that they receive on the
part of the social worker in the Hospitals of
Manta and Portoviejo, being fundamental
the fulfillment of the guidelines raised in this
investigation on the language corporal that
the social worker must adopt in her work
position, so that it is perceived in the
satisfaction of the user.
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At the end of this research, a fraternal thanks
is extended to the authorities of the Manta