Revista Científica y Arbitrada de Ciencias Sociales y Trabajo Social ‘‘Tejedora’’: Vol. 4 (Núm. 7) (ene-jun 2021). ISSN: 2697-3626
Cañarte-Reyes & Mendoza-Muñoz (2021)
only require the will of their author to get rid
security and other necessary social
of a right from his own patrimony.” (2016, p.
And also, what is expressed in section eight,
Art. 33. “Work is a social right and duty, and
an economic right, a source of personal
fulfilment and the basis of the economy. The
State shall guarantee working people full
respect for their dignity, a decent life, fair
wages and compensation, and the
performance of healthy, freely chosen and
accepted work”.
However, we cannot ignore that in a direct
or indirect manner the decision to end the
labor relationship and lose their jobs,
whatever the motivation, including the
health emergency we are experiencing, is
considerably affecting families because they
do not have the economic resources
necessary to lead a dignified life in full
enjoyment of their rights and therefore
society, which is contrary to the provisions of
the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador,
published in Official Register 449 of October
It is in this context and in view of the reality
that we live today, that the present
investigation emerges to determine the
factors that influenced many workers to
desist from continuing in the labor
relationship, thus presenting their voluntary
resignations, which could be the result of the
employee's own decision as well as being the
result of possible pressure through abuse on
the part of the employer and which would
constitute a forced resignation under the
figure described above, relating it to what
was exposed by Paucar “In many cases, the
victim will end up getting tired of struggling
every day against these injustices and will
present his ‘voluntary’ resignation or will
simply exteriorize all his/her contained
feelings and offend the aggressor, to which
0, 2008, which states the following:
Art.14.- It is acknowledged the right of the
population to live in a healthy and
ecologically balanced environment that
guarantees sustainability and good living,
sumak kawsay.
In the same way, as stated on its Art. 66 “the
Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador
recognizes the right to a dignified life that
ensures health, food and nutrition, potable
water, housing, environmental sanitation,
education, work, employment, rest and
leisure, physical culture, clothing, social