David Daniel Zambrano Posligua
Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
Johana Elizabeth Bello Piguave
Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
Autor para correspondencia: e1351206485@live.uleam.edu.ec
Recibido: 05/11/2024 Aceptado: 16/12/2024 Publicado: 25/01/2025
In an increasingly dynamic labor market, soft skills help individuals adapt to new
roles, technologies, and work environments. It is crucial for pre-service teachers
to strengthen competencies that enable them to interact more effectively and
resolve conflicts, not only on a personal level but also within the educational
community. This study aims to identify the soft skills perceived by pre-service
teachers in the National and Foreign Languages Pedagogy program at ULEAM, as
well as to analyze the benefits of shifting the educational focus towards the
development and application of soft skills. The research follows a Socio-Critical
paradigm and uses a mixed-methods approach, combining both quantitative and
qualitative research. The sample includes 148 students, both male and female,
enrolled from the first to the ninth semester, as well as 6 school administrators
and 5 high school teachers from private, public, and religious institutions. The
instruments used were a soft skills questionnaire and in-depth interviews. The
findings show that administrators and high school teachers find the integration
of soft skills into the curriculum challenging, particularly when applying active
methodologies with the use of technology. Pre-service teachers perceive
intercultural competence, adaptability, and decision-making as the most
developed skills. The study concludes that teachers recognize their essential role
in developing soft skills but require more institutional support, resources, and
practical training to enhance their integration.
Key words: soft skills, competencies, education, pedagogy, cognitive.
En un mundo laboral cada vez más dinámico, las habilidades blandas ayudan a los
individuos a adaptarse a nuevos roles, tecnologías, y ambientes de trabajo, siendo
necesario que los docentes en formación fortalezcan competencias que les
permiten a interactuar de manera más eficiente y resolver conflictos no solo
personales sino también a escala de comunidad educativa. Este estudio tiene como
objetivo identificar las habilidades blandas que perciben los docentes en formación
de la carrera de Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros de la ULEAM,
así como analizar los beneficios de innovar el enfoque principal de la educación
hacia el desarrollo y aplicación de competencias blandas. Este trabajo se plantea
desde el paradigma Socio Crítico y el enfoque es mixto cuantitativo y cualitativo
de la investigación científica. La muestra la compone 148 estudiantes, hombres y
mujeres matriculados desde el primer hasta el noveno semestre, 6 directivos y 5
docentes de educación media de instituciones particulares, fiscales y
fiscomisionales. Los instrumentos utilizados son el cuestionario de habilidades
blandas y entrevista a profundidad. Entre los hallazgos encontrados se evidencia
que directivos y docentes de educación media reconocen desafiante la integración
de las habilidades blandas al currículo aplicando metodologías activas con el uso
de la tecnología. Los docentes en formación perciben la interculturalidad,
adaptabilidad, y toma de decisiones como las habilidades más desarrolladas. Se
concluye que los docentes reconocen su papel esencial en el desarrollo de las
habilidades blandas, pero necesitan más apoyo institucional, recursos y formación
práctica para potenciar su integración.
Palabras clave: habilidades blandas, competencias, educación, pedagogía,
Higher education seems to be striving to prepare students for tasks in which
machines excel over humans, such as performing repetitive tasks, financial risk
analysis, and other similar processes.
According to Olivares (2007), soft skills are fundamental to overcoming the
limitations of an exclusively technical approach to education. These competencies
are not only essential for effective classroom management but also for fostering
an emotional connection with students, especially in a post-COVID context where
social skills have been impacted. (López et al., 2021)
Guerra (2019) argues that soft skills represent a growing necessity at specific levels
of education: secondary and higher education. However, this study focuses on
higher education as it represents the closest stage between theory and practice in
the labor market, and it is the phase in which most individuals finally develop their
own life perspective.
From an educational perspective that values soft skills, university training is
considered to go beyond mere job preparation, linking professional growth with
personal development.
The authors’ motivations for studying soft skills in the context of higher education
include analyzing the challenges faced by pre-service language teachers in
developing these skills, identifying their perceptions regarding these
competencies, and determining which are most valued and promoted within the
PINE program at ULEAM.
This article addresses the following scientific research questions:
What are the main contemporary challenges faced by PINE pre-service
teachers in developing soft skills?
Which competencies should be prioritized to address these challenges
Which soft skills are most valued and developed by pre-service teachers in
the PINE program at ULEAM?
2.- Literature Review
Soft Skills
Competencies can be classified into two main categories: hard skills, which relate
to technical and specific abilities, and soft skills, which pertain to the emotional,
social, and communicative domains of individuals (Olivares, 2007).
While hard skills have historically been the focus of educational and labor systems,
there has been a growing recognition in recent years of the value of soft skills,
especially in an increasingly interconnected world that depends on
interdisciplinary collaboration.
Understanding the origin and importance of soft skills highlights how these abilities
contribute to better interpersonal relationship management and more balanced
performance in complex environments. Skills such as empathy, effective
communication, and critical thinking transcend technical barriers, becoming a
distinguishing factor in both academic and professional contexts. (Astudillo, 2024)
The development of soft skills not only enriches interpersonal interaction but also
fosters personal growth. These abilities directly influence the capacity to face
adversities and solve problems creatively and assertivelykey aspects of
comprehensive human development. According to the Ayrton Senna Institute
(2022), these skills enable individuals to manage emotions, set goals, make
decisions, and work collaboratively to resolve conflicts, thereby strengthening
emotional intelligence and resilience.
Soft Skills in Secondary and Higher Education
The current educational system faces the challenge of shaping citizens who are
not only technically competent but also socially and emotionally skilled. In this
sense, higher education must adopt a comprehensive approach that incorporates
soft skills as an essential element of the curriculum. Guerra-Báez (2019) asserts
that education should foster spaces for critical thinking and multicultural
interaction, recognizing diversity as a rich source of learning.
Gómez-Gamero (2019) emphasizes that, within the context of the Fourth Industrial
Revolution, machines are replacing routine tasks, thereby elevating the
importance of human abilities such as creativity, empathy, and adaptability, which
are considered irreplaceable. According to the author, these soft skills provide a
competitive edge in a labor market increasingly defined by the ability to
collaborate, innovate, and lead teams effectively.
Although traditionally socio-emotional skills are considered inherent to
personality, recent studies demonstrate that these competencies can be
developed throughout life. Busso et al. (2012) argue that the educational context
is key to this development, as it offers a structured environment where such skills
can be systematically experienced, practiced, and reinforced.
Teachers' Soft Skills in English Language Training
The enhancement of soft skills is as essential as technical skills in training English
language teachers. This involves developing abilities in communication, critical
thinking, continuous learning, information technology, collaborative work,
leadership, and ethics. According to Salih (2020), teacher training programs must
integrate these competencies to improve graduates’ employability in the 21st
The role of the teacher in English language instruction extends beyond the
transmission of linguistic content; they must act as facilitators of learning,
promoting an environment that nurtures both technical competencies and soft
skills. Singer et al. (2009) highlight that these skills are essential not only for
language learning but also for preparing students to meet the challenges of a
globalized world.
This approach positions teachers as key agents in the comprehensive education of
students, capable of modeling the socio-emotional competencies crucial for their
personal and professional development.
Bondar and Konovalenko (2024) also emphasize the importance of skills such as
creativity, collaboration, and communication, noting that interactive methods
such as problem-based learning, case studies, and games are effective for their
Astudillo (2024) argues that soft skills not only enhance employability but also
facilitate adaptation to diverse contexts and creative problem-solving.
Gamification and collaborative projects cited in the results align with what
Konovalenko and Goncharova (2018) describe, highlighting the relevance of
dynamic strategies to develop these competencies in challenging educational
The development of soft skills is essential for the professional preparation of future
teachers, according to Konovalenko and Goncharova (2018). These competencies
not only improve the organization of the educational process but also enhance the
effectiveness of English language teaching. In this context, English teachers must
serve as role models for socio-emotional competencies, demonstrating empathy,
adaptability, and leadership.
López et al. (2021) reinforce this idea, stating that teachers who integrate soft
skills into their pedagogical practice foster more autonomous, creative, and
effective learning among their students, contributing to the formation of citizens
prepared for global challenges.
Educational Innovations that Promote Soft Skills
Contemporary university education is undergoing a paradigm shift, transforming
its role as an educational and cultural space. This process demands a
comprehensive update of strategies, objectives, content, and educational
technologies. According to Panfilova and Larchenko (2021), this transition reflects
the need to adopt an approach of "education through life" rather than "education
for life."
The educational system must move away from rigid models centered on
memorization and adopt strategies that promote the comprehensive development
of students. Naranjo (2019) emphasizes that incorporating educational
technologies and active methodologies, such as project-based learning, can
enhance both the development of technical knowledge and soft skills. This includes
the use of digital platforms that allow students to collaborate in virtual
environments, developing skills such as intercultural communication and conflict
resolution in a globalized setting.
Olivares (2007) points out that technological advancements, far from replacing
human interaction, should strengthen social and emotional competencies,
integrating as key tools for developing a more inclusive and effective education.
This combination of technological and methodological approaches ensures that
students not only acquire technical knowledge but also develop the soft skills
necessary to thrive in a dynamic and interconnected world.
This study adopts the Socio-Critical paradigm and follows the guidelines of a
mixed-method research approach, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative
techniques with a descriptive focus.
For data collection, a structured interview was conducted with language directors
and teachers from private, public, and semi-private educational institutions in the
city of Manta. Additionally, a soft skills questionnaire was applied to pre-service
teachers in the PINE program at ULEAM. Both instruments were created and
validated by expert educators prior to their application.
1. Soft Skills Questionnaire: The questionnaire was a structured instrument
consisting of 30 questions exploring the perception and development of the
respondents' soft skills. Each question was answered on a scale from 1 to 5, with
the following weights: 1 (Never), 2 (Rarely), 3 (Sometimes), 4 (Almost Always),
and 5 (Always). The questions assessed key aspects such as teamwork, empathy,
leadership, assertive communication, decision-making, problem-solving, effective
time management, adaptability, and interculturality. The purpose of the
questionnaire was to identify the soft skills of pre-service teachers in the PINE
program, evaluating their level of mastery and use of these skills, and allowing for
a direct self-assessment within the academic context.
2. In-Depth Interviews: In-depth interviews were used to gain a detailed and
qualitative understanding of the perspectives of both directors and teachers
regarding the importance, challenges, and role of soft skills in teaching.
Interviews with Directors: These interviews focused on exploring directors'
perceptions of the ideal teacher profile in terms of soft skills, their impact on
the teaching-learning process, and institutional strategies to promote, evaluate,
and develop these competencies. Topics included challenges, practices, and their
evaluation within the educational environment.
Interviews with Teachers: These interviews aimed to understand how teachers
perceive and value soft skills in their professional performance, highlighting their
importance in pedagogical practice, the challenges in developing them, and their
impact on improving student learning.
The sample selected for this study was non-probabilistic and intentionally defined,
including two groups of participants: students and teachers. The first group
consisted of 148 students enrolled between the first and ninth semesters of the
PINE program at the Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí during the 2024-1
academic term. Participation was voluntary, with the only requirement being
enrollment in the mentioned program.
The second group included six directors and five English teachers. Participation
was voluntary, with the sole requirement being employment in public, private, or
semi-private institutions.
Table 1.
Sample by Gender and Educational Levels of Student Teachers.
Table 2.
Sample by Gender of School Directors and Teachers by Educational Institutions.
Mixed Public-Private
Stage 1: Preparation of Instruments and Equipment.
The necessary instruments for data collection were designed and developed,
including questionnaires, scales, and interview guides. This process was carried
out in accordance with the objectives set out in the research. Additionally, the
required technical equipment, such as digital devices, was prepared, ensuring
their functionality and the protection of data confidentiality.
Stage 2: Instrument Validation.
The designed instruments underwent a validation process by a panel of ten
education professionals from various institutions. This process allowed for the
adjustment of items and ensured the reliability and validity of the content.
Stage 3: Application of Interviews to Directors and Teachers.
Interviews were conducted with a total of 6 directors and 5 teachers in 6
educational institutions in person, using a pre-validated question guide. Each
interview lasted approximately 45 minutes and was recorded with the informed
consent of the participants for later transcription and analysis.
Stage 4: Application of Soft Skills Questionnaire to Student-Teachers.
A questionnaire designed to assess soft skills was applied to 148 students of the
National and Foreign Languages Pedagogy program (PINE) at ULEAM. The
questionnaire was distributed via Google Forms after obtaining approval from the
program director. Participation was anonymous, voluntary, and free. Data
confidentiality was ensured through specific settings on the platform and
adherence to the institution's ethical standards.
Stage 5: Data Analysis.
The collected data was processed and analyzed, integrating descriptive analysis
and both quantitative and qualitative techniques. Patterns, relationships, and
relevant differences were identified and interpreted based on the research
Stage 7: Drafting the Final Report.
The final report incorporated the results obtained from all stages, structured into
sections including methodology, results, and conclusions. This document was
written according to academic standards and reviewed before approval by the
relevant committees, in compliance with applicable ethical and scientific
For the analysis of interviews conducted with principals and teachers from private
and public educational institutions, the following categorical tree is applied.
Study Phenomenon: Key Contemporary Challenges for PINE Teachers in
Developing Soft Skills.
Conceptualization of the Key Contemporary Challenges for PINE Teachers
Singer et al. (2009) emphasize that soft skills, as non-cognitive competencies, are
essential for both successful learning and job performance.
In the educational field, this underscores the need to align teacher training with
the real demands of educational institutions. The lack of external support, such as
family collaboration, and insufficient resources hinder the effective integration of
soft skills into the curriculum (Astudillo, 2024).
This challenge is consistent with Guerra’s (2019) perspective, which points out that
current education must prioritize the development of interpersonal and adaptive
skills to meet the growing demands of the labor market.
Conceptualization of Soft Skills Development for PINE Teachers
The development of soft skills in pre-service teachers is based on the need to
cultivate competencies that go beyond technical knowledge, emphasizing socio-
emotional learning and emotional intelligence (López et al., 2021). According to
the National Soft Skills Association (2019), these include the ability to
communicate effectively, resolve conflicts, and work in teamsqualities that are
crucial for both professional growth and classroom interaction.
Astudillo (2024) highlights that, in the learning of English, it is essential for
teachers to promote skills such as effective communication, interpersonal
relationships, problem-solving, and critical thinking. These competencies can be
developed through specific activities that integrate the English language as a
means of interaction and reflection.
There are two groups of interviewees:
Group 1: Six principals (2) from Private Institutions, (1) from a Mixed Public-
Private Institution, and (3) from Public Institutions.
Group 2: Five English language teachers (2) from Private Institutions and (3) from
Public Institutions.
There are two categories analyzed:
Category 1: Practical Application of Soft Skills in the Educational Context.
Category 2: Theoretical Foundations and Planning for the Development of Soft
Research Question 1: What are the main contemporary challenges faced by pre-
service PINE teachers in developing soft skills?
Table 3.
Main Contemporary Challenges Faced by PINE Student-Teachers in the
Development of Soft Skills.
Practical Application
of Soft Skills in the
Educational Context
Group 1
Group 2
RI1: "…Emotional
intelligence, a teacher who
lacks emotional intelligence
will logically lose a lot...
their situation regarding
leadership, creativity,
initiative, among other
things, are part of the
challenges teachers face
PI1: "They struggle to speak,
they even struggle with
pronunciation, they have
difficulty with intonation,
they struggle to make
themselves heard. For me, it
is essential that their voice
is heard."
RM2: "Working on emotions is
quite complex, especially
because we all have needs in
that area, and it is difficult
for a teacher to teach
something they don't master.
What makes these topics so
complex is that they are
closely related to personal
PM2: "The teacher's
challenge is living with the
kids who teach us every day.
What we don't want are
robotic beings who simply
memorize and don't learn to
disagree, to say I don't
agree, or I think that, or I
believe that..."
RP3: "In previous years, the
acquisition of knowledge was
considered, and the Ministry
of Education would train us,
but there was no focus on the
development of soft skills.
So, it is a challenge for us to
try to implement them. It
involves a whole field of
PP3: "Well, I believe that
today, perhaps, it is a
challenge to work on soft
skills in different contexts.
The school I came from had
no motivation for this topic,
but in the school I’m at now,
I see the initiative to work
on being, how to teach
information, first
experimentation, then
modeling, and support..."
young people to solve
problems, how they
socialize, and to have
RR4: "The teaching-learning
process is always a challenge
because with each new
school year, we see more
difficulties and challenges, as
there will always be students
with difficulties. It is our duty
to develop the appropriate
skills so that they can learn,
because not all students
learn at the same pace or in
the same way... A crucial
factor is the environment, as
some children come from
dysfunctional homes, and
because of this, challenges
sometimes arise when
preparing students in soft
PR4: "One of the biggest
challenges is understanding
today’s youth, where
parents do not collaborate
or do not understand them.
As teachers, developing
empathetic listening is a
great challenge we face."
The analysis of the responses reveals that both the school administrators and the
teacher trainees recognize the importance of soft skills for improving the
educational process.
These skills not only foster a positive learning environment but also promote the
personal and social development of both students and teachers. Among the most
emphasized skills are: effective communication and active listening, teamwork,
leadership, conflict resolution, emotional intelligence development, empathy, and
conflict resolution.
This is also reflected in the works of Singer et al. (2009) and López et al. (2021),
who argue that teachers need to be models of socio-emotional competencies,
demonstrating empathy, adaptability, and leadership.
The implementation of these competencies in the curriculum is seen as a key need
to prepare students for the challenges of the real world.
Naranjo (2019) states that the curriculum needs to transition from rigid models
focused on memorization to dynamic strategies such as active methodologies and
project-based learning.
The main challenges mentioned include teacher preparation and training, as there
is a gap between the training provided by the Ministry of Education and the actual
needs of institutions, especially in private contexts.
The lack of external support, such as family collaboration, limits the application
of values and skills learned in the classroom. The Ayrton Senna Institute (2022)
supports the idea that these skills should not only be promoted in the classroom
but also in family environments for a more sustained impact.
The emotional complexity of students, particularly after the pandemic, has caused
young people to exhibit shyness and a lack of social skills due to isolation, making
it difficult to incorporate soft skills in a transversal and balanced way within the
Astudillo (2024) and Busso et al. (2012) emphasize that structured educational
experiences can help students overcome emotional difficulties resulting from
isolation and lack of social interaction.
Research Question 2: What competencies should be prioritized to effectively face
these challenges?
Table 4. Soft skills that should be prioritized to face contemporary challenges.
and planning
for the
of soft skills.
Group 1
Group 2
RI1.1 "We have applied robotics
that works with the model of soft
skills, meaning that when they
work in teams, they must show
patience, leadership, teamwork,
synchronization, attention to
detail, creativity, innovation,
and all in one entity... this is
done through a constructivist
pedagogical model."
PI1.7 "Social skills such as
teamwork, empathy, and
problem-solving... if I see that
the student is making an effort,
we need to give them an
opportunity and not be so rigid,
always keeping in mind that the
goal is for them to learn."
RI1.4 "The strategies within the
curricular planning include a
teacher evaluation form, which
must promote values and
participatory activities because
it is part of our teacher
evaluation. So, as the teacher
knows the steps to follow in their
class, the soft skills are
established there."
PM1 "…The use of Kolb's cycle
and STEAM has allowed
students to learn actively by
applying the English language
through projects and skills such
as collaborative work,
leadership, creativity,
decision-making, etc."
RM2.4 "The methodology
depends on the planning... we
must work on leadership through
strategies such as cooperative
work and learning groups,
considering the context of our
students... we can provide
spaces to reflect on behavior and
coexistence, fostering values,
and promoting resilience, which
is important in this educational
environment with the student
diversity we have today."
PP3.4 “I use active
methodologies such as
collaborative projects and
debates to practice these skills
in real contexts. I implement
formative assessments with
rubrics to measure both
academic knowledge and the
development of soft skills."
RR4.3 "Currently, we manage
'learning networks' with first-
grade and early childhood
teachers, who develop skills and
abilities. There are also other
ministerial trainings such as the
'Educating in Family' workshops,
and our focus is not only to apply
it with teachers and students but
also to involve the family.
Within this methodological
organization, we can use talks to
reach students and address the
problems that youth face today.
The support from the DECE is
PR4.3 "To integrate soft skills
into the teaching-learning
process, I consider it essential
to design the curriculum with
specific objectives that include
the development of teamwork,
effective communication, and
The development of soft skills in secondary education depends on an approach that
combines active methodologies, curriculum adaptation, formative assessment, and
a safe learning environment. However, there are challenges related to teacher
training, the lack of specific resources, and institutional support.
The investigated group identifies active methodologies as another challenge, such
as using Kolb’s cycle and STEAM approaches to promote practical learning.
Cooperative methods like dialogic gatherings and teamwork projects, activities
that promote autonomy and decision-making, are also mentioned. This is
supported by Guerra-Báez (2019), who highlights the need for a comprehensive
approach that promotes social and emotional skills, recognizing their relevance in
the holistic development of students.
Activities are designed according to the reality of the classroom, considering the
specific needs of students and available resources. Soft skills enrich teaching by
creating a participatory and flexible learning environment. There is consensus
about the importance of soft skills in the holistic development of students.
Teachers mention fostering skills such as empathy, teamwork, leadership, and
problem-solving through structured activities like debates, role-playing,
collaborative projects, and gamification, using active methodologies adapted to
the context and practical projects with continuous assessment through the use of
rubrics, recordings, and feedback to evaluate skills. Active participation and group
work are emphasized, with a focus on collaborative learning.
The use of technology is a tool to motivate and teach, alongside gamification
adapted to the individual needs of students, linking learning to practical and
meaningful situations. Olivares (2007) emphasizes that technological
advancements strengthen social and emotional competencies when used
Research Question 3: What soft skills are most valued and developed by teacher
trainees in the PINE program at ULEAM?
Table 5. Soft Skills Questionnaire Applied to Teacher Trainees in the PINE
Soft Skills
1 Never
2 Almost never
3 Sometimes
4 Almost
The study shows that pre-service teachers perceive greater preparation in skills
such as interculturality, adaptability, and decision-making. This finding aligns with
the literature highlighting the importance of adaptability and empathy in a
globalized and diverse educational environment. According to Gómez-Gamero
(2019), skills such as adaptability are essential in the context of the Fourth
Industrial Revolution, where the ability to adjust to different contexts and
situations becomes an added value.
Moreover, interculturality is a crucial skill in higher education, promoting
interaction and enriched learning in diverse environments. (Guerra-Báez, 2019)
On the other hand, decision-making is closely linked to the development of
emotional intelligence and resilience, skills that the Instituto Ayrton Senna (2022)
highlights as essential to face challenges and make decisions under pressure. This
underscores how these soft skills align with the comprehensive training of
teachers, who must be prepared to lead and adapt to different situations in the
Regarding assertive communication and problem-solving skills, pre-service
teachers report more limited development in these areas. This may reflect a lack
of continuous practice and institutional support to strengthen these competencies.
According to López et al. (2021), teachers must integrate soft skills such as
effective communication into their pedagogical practice to foster autonomous and
creative learning. The lack of practical training in these aspects could be a factor
limiting the development of assertive communication, which is crucial for both
interaction with students and conflict resolution in the classroom.
Regarding problem-solving, the literature also suggests that these skills are not
innate but can be developed within the educational context (Busso et al., 2012).
However, the lack of strategies and adequate tools to address problems creatively
and assertively may explain the low level of development perceived by pre-service
teachers. Naranjo (2019) emphasizes the importance of educational innovations
and active methodologies to foster problem-solving.
Throughout history, education has been a human activity that has not undergone
significant or decisive changes. The so-called "innovations" in this field are often
mere contemporary embellishments to pre-existing formulas, structures, and
procedures. Therefore, true innovation in the educational system must originate
from questioning the most basic concepts of Pedagogy and educational systems.
In this regard, Philosophy becomes a fundamental tool for understanding and
discussing key topics such as the genesis, usefulness, objectives, sources, and
principles of education.
Only by attempting to answer the questions derived from these topics can genuine
innovation be achieved. If these precepts are not deeply understood, it is
impossible to grasp Pedagogy as a science, and, consequently, true innovation
cannot occur.
Throughout this research, the idea is reaffirmed that both teachers and
administrators in public and private secondary education institutions focus their
teaching-learning processes on cognitive knowledge, neglecting essential factors
for professional development, such as soft skills.
These skills, instead of being treated as key competencies, are perceived as mere
"decorations" in pedagogical practices or as extracurricular activities. Therefore,
this research proposes the integration of soft skills into the Ecuadorian education
curriculum, paving the way for a new era in which secondary education prioritizes
soft skills as the central axis of educational development.
Comparing the results obtained with previous research, a general consensus on the
relevance of soft skills for teachers is observed. However, the reviewed studies
suggest that, despite their importance, implementing effective strategies for
developing these skills remains a challenge.
The discrepancy in integrating these competencies into curricula and the lack of
adequate resources to strengthen them are recurring issues shared by many studies
in the field.
Future research should delve into how higher education institutions can transform
their teacher training programs to comprehensively include these skills.
It is recommended to explore the impact of specific interventions, such as
professional development programs and continuous training in soft skills, and how
these can improve educational quality and student satisfaction in the classroom.
Finally, although this study provides valuable insight into the state of soft skills in
teacher training, some methodological limitations must be considered. The sample
of teachers analyzed may not reflect the full diversity of educational contexts in
the region, which could influence the generalization of the results.
Nonetheless, the findings are still valid as they are based on a rigorous
methodology that included both interviews and surveys, which allowed for a
comprehensive view of the situation.
In conclusion, this study reinforces the idea that soft skills should be a priority in
initial teacher training. These skills represent a challenge in educational practice,
as they require appropriate personal preparation to be effectively applied in the
professional field.
While teachers recognize the importance of these competencies, they still require
greater institutional support, adequate resources, and practical training to
integrate them effectively.
Educational institutions have the responsibility to offer programs that structurally
include these competencies, ensuring that future educators not only master their
technical discipline but also the emotional and social skills necessary to face the
challenges of the classroom in the 21st century.
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